This product is designed to provide enhanced security features for your family's peace of mind. It includes both a corded phone and a DECT handset and offers two call-blocking modes. The manual mode allows you to block unwanted calls by pressing a dedicated key, while the automatic mode only allows stored numbers to ring.
The product is XL-sized and features a large, easy-to-read backlit display and a keypad with large buttons for easy dialling. It also includes LED light blinking to alert you of incoming calls on both the corded base and the handset.
For improved sound quality, the Combo Voice product offers an audio-boost key on the handset to increase volume during conversations up to +25dB, as well as an adjustable powerful ringer up to 80 dB. The hands-free function (with 5 levels) allows you to share conversations with ease.
The product includes 3 direct memory buttons on both the corded base and the handset, allowing for easy calling of your favourite numbers. The directory can store up to 100 names and numbers, shared between the corded base and the handset.
In the event of a power cut, the corded phone will still work if directly connected to the telephone wall socket. Lastly, the product includes a 30-minute answering machine function on the corded phone, controlled by buttons on both the base and the handset.
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