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Wallace Cameron Saline Eye Pods 20ml (Pack of 25) 2404042 Key Features Suitable for up to 25 people Cleans the eyes to prevent further infection Ideal to have on hand in case of emergency Completely sterile for safe use Comes in a plastic pod for easy access Compatible with Wallace Cameron Piccolo eyewash dispensers Not suitable for Twist 'n' Open dispensers Capacity: 20ml per pod Pack of 25 pods Order Code: WAC10857
MPN Code: 2404042
Suitable for up to 25 people. Cleans the eyes to prevent further infection. Completely sterile for safe use. Supplied in a plastic pod. Compatible with Piccolo eyewash dispensers. Not suitable for Twist n Open dispensers. Capacity: 20ml per pod.
This pack of twenty five saline eye pods from Wallace Cameron are handy and convenient to have in the event of an eye related accident or injury. The pods provide saline solution to irrigate the eye, cleaning the eyeball and ensuring no further damage or infection occurs. Each 20ml of solution comes in a plastic pod which is designed for convenient storage and easy access in the event of an emergency.
General Depth (mm) Product Unit Major Minor Major Product Group Major Minor Minor Product Group Status Description OEM Spicers Code EEC tariff code Pack Contains Pack Unit of Sale Barcode 1 Width (mm) Dealer Logistsics Lead Time Height (mm) Weight (kg) Minimum Recycled Content (%) Print Selling Unit Material Matrix Letter UK VAT Codes VOW 2018 UK catalogue page no Returns Allowed Country of Origin Guarantee? Recyclable Percentage EMAS (Y/N) ISO 14001 (Y/N) SMETA Registrated (Y/N) Electrical Product (Y/N) Energy Star (Y/N) REACH Chemical Registration required (Y/N) REACH Requires Health & Safety Data Sheet Contains timber or derived materials Brand Recyclable (Yes/No) Warranty? Batteries Included Recycled % Green Product Dimensions - Width (mm) Analysis Code Kit Flag Net Price Indicator Price Category Consumer Logistsics Lead Time