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Aluminium 10 Steps Ladder With Platform 377860 Key Features 10 step ladder with platform Flanged, non-skid steps Anti-opening band keeps ladder from opening wide Integrated tool tray for easy storage of implements Guardrail for safety Platform height: 2.3m Distance between steps is 25cm Maximum capacity: 150kg There may be additional delivery charges for Highlands, Islands and Ireland, please call us for details Your Price: £ 788.45 (inc. VAT) Don't miss out! Only 2 items left in stock
Order Code: SBY22209
MPN Code: 377860
Anti opening straps. Flanged non skid steps. Inbuilt aluminium tool tray. Reinforced non slip rubber feet. Conforms to EN131. 5 year guarantee. Maximum capacity 150kg. Guardrail height 60cm. Platform height: 2.3m. 10 treads. Non returnable.
With a strong, welded and ribbed aluminium frame, this 10 step ladder has a large serrated platform, flanged, non-skid steps and a guardrail for safety. The platform sits at 2300mm above the floor and the ladder also features anti-opening straps for transportation when not in use. This stepladder will support a maximum capacity of 150kg.
General UNSPSC Code Country of Origin PEFC (Y/N) Print Selling Unit Colour Weight (kg) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Width (mm) Pack Unit of Sale Barcode 1 Supplier Code Product Unit Batteries Included Contains timber or derived materials REACH Requires Health & Safety Data Sheet REACH Chemical Registration required (Y/N) Energy Star (Y/N) Electrical Product (Y/N) ISO 14001 (Y/N) EMAS (Y/N)