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Extension Cable Semi-Enclosed Reel 20m 13 Amp 4-Socket 377109 Key Features 20 metre semi-enclosed cable reel 4 sockets for use indoors or outdoors Comfortable handle makes it easy to wind in and out Cable is fully protected for transit and storage 13 amps/240 volts of power There may be additional delivery charges for Highlands, Islands and Ireland, please call us for details Your Price: £ 84.79 (inc. VAT) Don't miss out! Only 3 items left in stock
Order Code: SBY14976
MPN Code: 377109
Extension Cable Semi-Enclosed Reel 20 Metre 13Amp 4-Socket 377109. Use indoors or outdoors. Comfortable handle makes it easy to wind in and out. Cable is fully protected for transit and storage. 13 amps. 240 volts of power. Non returnable.
This extension cable is ideal for use both in and outdoors and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. The 20 metre semi-enclosed cable reel allows you to use electronic equipment at a distance from the nearest socket and the 4 socket option lets you use multiple appliances. The comfortable winder handle makes unwinding and re-winding simple and easy and the cable is fully protected for transit and storage.
General Green Product Country of Origin China China, People's Republic of
PEFC (Y/N) Material Print Selling Unit Weight (kg) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Width (mm) Pack Unit of Sale Barcode 1 UNSPSC Code Product Unit Dimensions - Length (mm) Supplier Code Recycled % Batteries Included Warranty? Guarantee? Contains timber or derived materials REACH Requires Health & Safety Data Sheet REACH Chemical Registration required (Y/N) Energy Star (Y/N) Electrical Product (Y/N) ISO 14001 (Y/N) EMAS (Y/N) Recyclable (Yes/No)