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Energizer Alkaline Battery A23/E23A (Pack of 2) 629564 Key Features Energizer batteries for lasting power Size: A23/E23A Great for bluetooth headsets and key chains Last for up to 2 years after purchase Pack of 2 batteries Order Code: ER29564
MPN Code: 629564
Energizer A23/E23A batteries. Commonly used in car alarms burglar alarm remote controls and cigarette lighters.
Energizer Speciality Alkaline Batteries are designed to keep your devices running for longer. Providing power that is consistent and long-lasting, each battery provides you with fantastic value for money. A23/E23A batteries are for speciality use, perfect for keychains and other small devices that require a compact battery. Provided to you in a twin pack, these batteries can be stored for up to 2 years without any reduction in the level of quality.
General Batteries Included Country of Origin PEFC (Y/N) Print Selling Unit Minimum Recycled Content (%) Colour Weight (kg) Height (mm) Depth (mm) Width (mm) Pack Unit of Sale Barcode 1 Battery Size UNSPSC Code Product Unit Green Product Recycled % Supplier Code Warranty? Guarantee? Battery Type REACH Requires Health & Safety Data Sheet REACH Chemical Registration required (Y/N) UK Battery Producer Registration Number Energy Star (Y/N) RoHS Compliance Certification Reference WEEE Registration Number Electrical Product (Y/N) ISO 14001 (Y/N) EMAS (Y/N) Rechargeable Recyclable Percentage Recyclable (Yes/No)
Energizer Alkaline Battery A23/E23A (Pack of 2) 629564 brochure